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Making clean water accessible to everyone

Together, we can solve the massive water crisis

Your donation provides year-round clean water access.

Help us to help others

1 in 3 don't have access to safe drinking water

Countless children endure entire days of trekking to collect dirty water, significantly impacting their life spans. These long trips mean they can’t attend school or have fun like other kids. And it’s not just about education—it’s also about their shorter lives because of all the dangers they face.

When you support communities like these, you’re giving them back their chance to go to school, play, and dream about their futures. You’re giving them hope for a better tomorrow.

Your Impact, Your Choice!

Join Us in Ending the Water Crisis

In a world where clean water is still a distant dream for millions, your support can make all the difference. Whether you choose to donate monthly, make a one-time contribution, or sponsor a water project, your involvement is invaluable. Remember, it’s not about the amount you give, but the act of giving itself that truly matters. Act now and make a difference!

Make a Monthly Donation

Join The Stream and make a lasting commitment to saving lives by providing clean water every month, ensuring continuous sustainable support for needy communities.

Make a One-Off Donation

If you don’t want a monthly commitment, you can instead empower immediate change with a single generous contribution, transforming lives by providing access to safe, life-giving water.

Sponsor a Water Project

Become the driving force behind a tangible solution, directly funding the creation of vital infrastructure that brings clean water to those who need it most and has your name on it.

Be the Change

Join The Stream

Become a member of The Stream, a dedicated monthly donor, driving change and tackling the water crisis head-on. Your monthly commitment empowers us to reach communities where one in three people currently lack access to safe drinking water. Join us today in turning the tide and transforming lives together.

A £20 monthly donation can give 10 people clean water every year.

Together, we can end the water crisis

Here’s how we try to put an end to the water crisis. You can join us and take immediate action to make an impact today:

Digging Water Well | The Stream

1. Water Wells

Safe and clean water to thousands of people

A brief visit to a drought-stricken East African village underscores the preciousness of clean water at home. Prolonged droughts have deprived communities, especially children, of education and playtime as they spend hours fetching contaminated water. At Noor Relief Fund, we dig wells to provide not just water, but also hope and health to these communities.

Water Hand Pumps | The Stream

2. Water Hand Pumps

Provide clean water to a whole family

Your £100 donation for a water pump is life-changing, bringing clean water closer to communities. Installing this essential pump improves access to clean water, reduces disease risks, promotes better health, and eases financial burdens.
Support our efforts in providing effortless access to clean drinking water. Your generosity makes a real impact!

Filling Water Tanks | The Stream

3. Filling water tanks

Help a child access clean water

Noor Relief Fund profoundly impacts by providing clean water to orphanages and communities. Despite challenges, we’re committed to ensuring vulnerable children have continuous access to vital resources, improving their well-being and prospects. Join us in bringing positive change to these resilient children’s lives. Your contribution can transform their present and lay the groundwork for a brighter tomorrow.

What Our Beneficiaries Say

  • The well is a blessing! We used to drink dirty water, but now we have clean water. My friends and I can focus on our studies and dreams for the future. Asante sana!

    Mabamani, Kenya
  • You turned our tears into joy. With the well, my children won’t know the pain of waking us early in the morning to collect dirty water anymore. I can’t thank you enough for giving us hope.

    Tanga, Tanzania
  • The floods took so much, but the hand pump gave us a sense of normalcy. My children can now quench their thirst without the fear of contamination. Thank you for the gift of clean water.

    Naushahro Feroze, Pakistan

Join other donors making a difference

Whether through a one-time donation or by joining The Stream with monthly commitments, your contributions fuel our water projects, creating impactful and enduring investments in rural communities. Donating once supports the initiation of a new water project while donating monthly ensures a consistent flow of water month after month.